How Long Does Detox Take?

Wondering how long detox takes is common for those who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. These substances can be life-altering, leading to personality changes, broken trust, friction in relationships, and potentially job loss or legal issues. Overcoming the dependence on these substances is crucial to living a long and happy life for years to come. Detox is the first step to finding freedom and happiness.

Understanding Detox and Its Importance

Detoxification is the process of removing harmful substances like drugs and alcohol from the body. During this process, the individual can begin learning how to manage their triggers and implement coping skills that could be beneficial, long-term, to their addiction recovery. Detox is the first step to recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, and how long it takes can vary from person to person and substance to substance.

Factors That Affect Detox Duration

Detox is an individual experience. Several factors could influence how long detox takes, and how intense it is. These factors can include age, type of substances used, magnitude of the drug and alcohol use, length of time using the substances, and overall health. With professional care during this process, these symptoms can be managed, making them more manageable and easier to endure.

How Long Does Detox Take for Different Substances?

Different substances can impact someone in different ways. How long detox takes can be influenced by the substance being used, as well as other factors. Everyone will experience detox differently. Some may have severe symptoms that could require medical intervention while others may experience mild symptoms that could be extremely uncomfortable. However, there are general timelines that can be a guide to how detox will be.

Alcohol Detox Timeline

Alcohol detox can be a dangerous experience to go through without proper care and support. The timeline for alcohol withdrawal can vary, but there are generally 3 different stages that can occur over several days, making it difficult to endure and stay the course. Mild symptoms of alcohol withdrawal such as sweating, nausea, headaches, and anxiety could begin in as little as 6-12 hours from the last drink. Within 24-48 hours, these symptoms can increase and intensify. These symptoms can include confusion, high blood pressure, insomnia, increased heart rate, and fever. 48 hours and beyond the individual may experience worsening then leveling of these and other withdrawal symptoms. However, it is during this time frame that individuals may experience Delirium Tremens or DTs. This can be dangerous, and if left untreated it can have devastating impacts on the individual’s life.

Opioid Detox Timeline

While this is a general timeline on what to expect, understanding that how long detox takes is dependent on several factors is crucial. The individual experiencing the symptoms may feel more or less severe symptoms, for shorter or longer periods. However, opioid withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, muscle aches and cramps, sweating, runny nose, and insomnia can begin 6-12 hours after the last use. Within 24-48 hours these symptoms could intensify and other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high blood pressure, and increased heart rate can begin. Cravings for opioids could intensify, making it difficult to continue down a path to recovery. The symptoms usually peak within 72 hours and begin to level or dissipate. However, there could be lingering symptoms like fatigue, muscle pain, and disturbed sleep. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, or PAWS, is a condition in which the individual feels prolonged symptoms of withdrawal such as depression, anxiety, and cravings. These symptoms can last weeks or months. Having the right support can aid in promoting long-term recovery, and preventing relapse.

Benzodiazepine Detox Timeline

Benzodiazepines are medications used for the treatment of anxiety and panic disorders, as well as sleep disorders. They help the individual feel less distressed by impacting brain activity. How long benzodiazepine detox takes can vary from person to person. Within days 1-4 the symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal can begin. Symptoms can include anxiety, insomnia, and restlessness. From there, on days 5-14, these symptoms can peak and other symptoms like intense anxiety, panic attacks, tremors, and muscle pains can begin. Severe symptoms during this time can include hallucinations, seizures, and DTs. At 2 weeks to several months, the physical symptoms of withdrawal dissipate, but the psychological symptoms can persist. During this time it is crucial to maintain care and support to prevent long-term impacts.

Stimulant Detox Timeline

Stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamines can lead to extremely uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Within the first 24-72 hours, the individual may begin experiencing the “crash” characterized by extreme fatigue, intense cravings, irritability, and increased appetite. Days 3-10 can consist of symptoms peaking, and the individual may begin to experience vivid dreams and sleep disturbances. Depression, anxiety, and cognitive issues may arise as the brain begins to rewire itself to function without the substance. In the coming weeks and months, the physical symptoms can subside but the psychological symptoms can persist. Maintaining professional support can help alleviate these psychological symptoms.

Medical vs. At-Home Detox: Time Considerations

Those wondering how long detox takes should also consider the differences between at-home detox and professional, medical detox. At-home detox can seemingly take longer, as this is generally a cold-turkey method and the individual is just suffering through the symptoms. This is dangerous as it can contribute to relapse, potentially leading to an overdose. With professional medical detox, the individual can meet with medical and mental health professionals who can help to treat these symptoms. Treating the symptoms can help the person find relief and begin a journey of recovery on a more positive note, expediting the physical feelings of the withdrawal symptoms.

Post-Detox Recovery: What Comes Next?

Detox is the beginning of long-term recovery. To maintain this new-found lifestyle, continued care and support is vital. Through continued therapy and support from a professional, the individual can continue to gain the necessary tools and skills for maintaining their recovery. Peer support groups such as AA and NA can help these individuals gain the perspective of other individuals seeking recovery on how to get through different life stressors. Prioritizing staying clean and sober is crucial for these individuals.

When to Seek Professional Help for Detox

Deciding to get clean and sober is a big step in the right direction. Once an individual reaches this point, reaching out to seek professional help is crucial. How long detox takes can be influenced by the care being received. With professional medical detox, the individual can be impacted less by the physical and psychological symptoms that may arise. They can also begin to learn and implement new and healthy coping skills into their life.

Heal Today for a Better Tomorrow

Drug and alcohol detox can be an uncomfortable experience. The process can lead to symptoms that can be hard to manage without proper care and support to make it through without using substances. If you or a loved one are struggling with drugs and alcohol, we can help. At Extra Mile Recovery we provide a safe and healing environment for individuals to begin their recovery journey. Call us today and begin yours.

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