What are the Harmful Effects of Cocaine on the Body?

The effects of cocaine on the body can be harmful and lead to devastating results. This drug can be deadly. It also impacts the individual’s daily life. Those who are struggling often experience broken trust and fractured relationships as well as mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Cocaine abuse also contributes to different risks such as an increased risk of stroke, kidney damage, and heart issues. It is best practice to begin healing and live a life of recovery.

How Harmful is Cocaine?

The impacts cocaine can have on someone’s daily life can be extremely detrimental to them. The harmful effects of cocaine can contribute to long-lasting impacts on the person’s life, leading to physical and mental health impacts that can be severe. Cocaine is a dangerous substance that contributes to several overdoses and fatalities across the country every year. Learning to live life without the drug is crucial to preventing these impacts.

Risks of Cocaine Overdose and Fatalities

The effects of cocaine on the body can contribute to overdose, both fatal and nonfatal. This can be due to several factors including its potency. Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that can increase someone’s blood pressure and body temperature, contributing to the symptoms of overdose as well as cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks. Neurologically, individuals may experience seizures and delirium.

Cocaine Addiction and Dependence

Cocaine addiction and dependence can be dangerous. This drug’s powerful impact on the brain’s reward system contributes to addiction and dependence. Addiction is characterized by an individual’s continued use despite the negative consequences, compulsive drug-seeking behaviors, and intense cravings with an inability to control or stop using the drug.

Short-Term Effects of Cocaine

As a potent stimulant drug, the short-term effects of cocaine can be numerous. Being aware of the effects of cocaine on the body can help to prevent potentially life-threatening results. When ingested, the drug results in rapidly increased levels of dopamine in the brain, leading to a sense of euphoria, increased energy, and alertness. Other effects include:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Increased or inflated sense of confidence
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Dilated pupils
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Reduced appetite
  • Paranoia
  • insomnia

Long-Term Effects of Cocaine

In addition to the short-term, there are also long-term effects of cocaine on the body. These effects contribute to the dangers of this drug. They can lead to long-lasting impacts that can require long-term medical care to manage the symptoms. It is best practice for those who are struggling to seek professional help to overcome the addiction. Some of the long-term effects are:

  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Respiratory problems
  • Mental health conditions
  • Weight loss and malnutrition
  • Neurological impairments
  • Impaired cognitive function
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Immune system suppression

Psychological Effects of Cocaine

The harmful effects of cocaine can affect someone not only physically, but psychologically as well. What are the psychological effects of cocaine? Well, someone who chronically uses this substance can experience feelings of euphoria which are short-lived. They may also experience increased confidence, which is also temporary. Other psychological effects of cocaine include depression and anxiety. Dual diagnosis occurs when someone experiences mental health conditions co-occurring with addiction and requires specialized care. Other effects include paranoia, irritability, agitation, psychosis, and cognitive impairments.

Cocaine’s Impacts on Cognitive Function and Memory

The effects of cocaine on the body also affect a person’s memory and cognition. The use of this drug can impair attention, concentration, and decision-making. This makes it difficult to complete daily tasks. Chronic use can lead to long-term effects on cognition, contributing to impaired judgment and problem-solving skills. Those who use this drug often experience short-term memory deficits as well as problems forming new memories. This is due to the drug’s effects on neurotransmitters and neural pathways in the brain.

Damaging Effects of Cocaine on the body

There are numerous damaging effects of cocaine that a user may experience. These effects can cause hindrances in daily life, affecting the capabilities to perform normal tasks. These effects can lead to physical and emotional well-being disturbances and often require intervention to prevent worsening. Recovery from cocaine addiction is essential for preventing continued and permanent damage from occurring.

Cardiovascular Damage and Heart Disease

The effects of cocaine on the body can lead to cardiovascular problems, including heart disease. Cocaine is a stimulant drug that increases heart rate and blood pressure. This causes strain on the heart, resulting in a higher risk of heart attack or other heart issues.

Respiratory Issues and Lung Damage

This substance is mainly used nasally. Meaning, it is snorted for its effects. This can lead to damage to nasal passages. It can also lead to respiratory distress, characterized by difficulty breathing and lower oxygen levels. Smoking this drug can exacerbate these issues, leading to chronic cough, lung damage, and increased risk of lung infections.

Gastrointestinal Complications

Cocaine restricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow into internal organs. This can result in abdominal pain and cramping. Chronic use can increase the risk for bowel gangrene where parts of the intestines die due to lack of blood flow. Cocaine also leads to severe weight loss and malnutrition. Other complications include gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers.

Kidney Damage and Renal Failure

Kidneys are a vital organ in the body. The effects of cocaine on the body include impacts on the kidneys. Acute kidney injury can occur as a result of increased blood pressure and heart rate placing strain on the organ. Vasoconstriction can occur, leading to limited blood flow in the kidneys, resulting in the inability to filter waste from the body.

Liver Damage and Hepatitis Risk

People often wonder “Does cocaine affect the liver?” and the answer is yes. Cocaine’s stimulant effects can cause inflammation and increased enzymes in the liver, as well as damage to liver cells. Hepatitis and cirrhosis can occur as a result of chronic cocaine use. The effects of cocaine on the body can be devastating, resulting in permanent damage to vital organs like the liver.

Increased Risk of Stroke

Narrow blood vessels and high blood pressure caused by vasoconstriction cause an increased risk of stroke in cocaine users. Both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes can occur with chronic use of this drug. Symptoms of a stroke can include sudden weakness, confusion, headache, and difficulty speaking.

Impaired Immune System Function

Use of this drug can lead to a compromised immune system, making it easier to contract illnesses. Cocaine affects white blood cells, resulting in reduced infection response within the body. It can also make recovery time longer and more difficult.

Nasal and Sinus Damage From Snorting

Snorting cocaine can disrupt the nasal passages. It can lead to chronic nasal congestion, runny nose, and frequent nosebleeds. Chronic use can lead to septum perforation and damage to the cartilage in the nose. Chronic sinusitis, sinus infection, and pain can be a result of using this drug. These effects can require medical intervention and surgery to repair the damage.

Prevent Further Effects of Cocaine on the Body

Cocaine addiction can impact an individual’s life to a severe degree. From broken trust and relationships to health impacts, those struggling with cocaine face challenges daily. Recovery is possible and professional addiction treatment can make a difference. If you or a loved one are struggling, there is help available. At Extra Mile Recovery we provide a safe environment where those who need help can begin their healing journey. Call us today and begin on a path to a better life.

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