This holiday season, you’re going to have many obligations. With places to be, people to see, and shopping to do, it’s so easy to get lost in the thick of things and forget about what’s really important.
But the biggest obligation — one that often goes unsaid — is to keep yourself safe. And if you’ve noticed a bit of a struggle with self-control, then entering an addiction treatment facility this holiday season would be a great step in keeping you and your loved ones safe.
At Extra Mile Recovery, we’ve seen before the ways in which substance abuse can put a damper on the holidays, and we don’t want them to ruin yours. Here are a few holiday risk areas you might not be thinking about.
Substance Use Is More Common Around the Holidays
We associate many things with the holidays — decorations, food, gifts — but many of them are really tied to the many gatherings, celebrations, and parties. However, office Christmas parties, family dinners, and a night on the town for New Year’s all are often filled with people drinking heavily and ignoring their limits. We understand the temptation to join in, but if you have past issues controlling your substance use, you should be extra careful this time of year.
People Around You May Negatively Influence You
It can be so good to be around family and friends during the holidays. But with that in mind, there will still certainly be some negative influences around. Maybe a cousin encourages you to “just have one more,” or seeing an old group of friends sparks memories of binge drinking episodes.
It’s important to recognize what might trigger you to start using, and have strategies for handling these influences. If you’re unsure about your ability to resist, we understand — entering a substance abuse treatment program over the holidays can provide some strategies for navigating potentially difficult interactions in the future.
There’s an Increase in DUI Accidents
And of course, the increased presence of substances and the pressure to keep on drinking or using drugs means that people ignore their limits without thinking about it.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that between Christmas and New Year’s alone in 2018, there were 285 drunk driving fatalities, all of which would have been preventable. This is in line with other reports from the NHTSA that at least 28 people per day died in drunk driving accidents in December — an average that’s elevated by the fact that nearly half of those deaths come in that week between Christmas and New Year’s.
You are so much more than a statistic. Getting into a drug and alcohol rehab program this holiday season can help you avoid becoming one.
Find Help for Addiction this Holiday Season at Extra Mile Recovery
Extra Mile Recovery knows how important the holidays are to people all over the world, and every gathering should be a time of joy. Your sobriety would be a great contribution to the season, because your safety would give everyone peace of mind, and we’d like to help ensure that.
We’re an all-male inpatient addiction treatment center situated in the serene forests of Mantachie, MS, offering a personalized, clinical approach to drug and alcohol rehab. We’re here to answer any questions you might have about the admissions process, our rehab facility, and what you can expect during your recovery experience. So, if you or a loved one are struggling, give us a call for a free, confidential consultation. It could change your life.